Saturday, 8 February 2025

Sector Yosemixtir — Sant Llorenç de Montgai

This crag, overlooking the village of Sant Llorenç de Montgai, was formerly the preserve of the aid climber, but the recent hard work of local activists has turned it into a very worthwhile free climbing sector. One of the major obstacles was the rock quality, which was originally somewhat suspect, but repeated ascents have left the majority routes in good condition. Orientation: southeast.

Approach: park above the village (or just leave your vehicle by the lake and walk up through the village) then follow the well—marked path rightwards towards La Roca dels Ulls. Just before reaching this sector, turn left and continue up and rightwards to reach the sector (10 minutes from the village). 


Thanks to Edu Vendrell for the information and topos.



Sector Valldària, Terradets

Edu Vendrell has sent us information about a major new sector in Terradets — ‘Valldària’. The first routes here were originally equipped in the early 2000’s, but it somehow lapsed into obscurity. More recently, a group of dedicated local climbers have established dozens of new routes, with the total now standing at over 80. Orientation: southeast.

Note: for further information contact @edu_vendrell on Instagram

Approach: Park in the main ‘Font de Les Bagasses’ parking area ( If coming from the direction of Tremp there is also limited parking next to the ‘Pont de Pedra’ bridge (it’s too dangerous to turn into this when approaching from the south) which will save a few minutes walking. Cross the Pont de Pedra bridge to gain the start of a trail leading leftwards towards the ‘Torre de La Guaita I Ermita de Sant Miquel’. Follow this path without deviation for approximately 1.5km to a signpost indicating ‘Ermita 5 minutes’ then turn right onto a vague trail (coordinates 42,028738, 0,880532) marked by cairns, which leads up to the right-hand side of the crag. 20-25 minutes from the Pont de Pedra. There is a map on Wikiloc showing the approach:

Aproximació: Aparcarem a la Font de les Bagasses. Si baixem de Tremp es pot aparcar just al costat del pont de pedra de Terradets ( . Des d’aquest punt, creuem el pont i agafem el corriol que es dirigeix cap a l’ermita/torre de guaita de Sant Miquel. Després de passar el cartell indicador que assenyala l’ermita a 5’, al km 1,53 després d’haver començat a caminar, ens desviem a la dreta (coordenades 42,028738, 0,880532) i seguim les fites que ens porten a la part dreta del sector Agulles Dreta. Des d’aquí seguirem el camí i les fites que tendeixen a seguir el peu de paret al llarg de tot el mur. 20-25 minuts del Pont de Pedra.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Roca dels Ulls — "New" sector in Sant Llorenç de Montgai

Albert Cortés has resurrected an ancient sector in Sant Llorenç de Montgai, completely transforming it. Roca dels Ulls, which lies on the hillside immediately above the village, was actually the first sector to be equipped in the whole zone, but with only three routes protected with just two buriles each and no lower-offs, it soon fell into disuse.

Now, thanks to Albert's efforts, the sector features 8 climbs equipped with modern bolts and lower-offs and although somewhat lacking in height (maximum 10m) it boasts superb rock, a comfortable 'peu de via' and minimum approach time. 

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Tartareu: lower-off replacements.

Albert Cortés has returned to the sector of Tartareu, which he developed over 20 years ago, and sent us the following updates.

In sector 'Jet Lag / Guacamole' (Pages 190-191 in Lleida Climbs 3) the following routes have been equipped with brand new lower-offs by Albert: La Verruga Assasina, Goriles a La Sabina and El Merengué (shared); Sika del Pryca (now considered 6c rather than 6c+); Ritme Infernal; Johny Babuchas and La Mostela (shared).

In sector 'Tempura' (Pages 184-185 in Lleida Climbs 3) Albert has extended the lines of Relaxing People (22) and El Codi Da Vinci (23) and installed independant lower-offs. In the topo below, the new lines are displayed. Relaxing People is now considered 6c+ (rather than 6c) and El Codi Da Vinci has also been upgraded — 6c instead of 6b+.


Tuesday, 1 August 2023

New First Ascent in Mirador del Montsec

Jere Erill has very recently made the first acsent of the project 'In Albis' at sector 'Area Privada' in Mirador del Montsec. Originally estimated at a possible 8b, the route was climbed at 8a/+.

Albert Cortés was there to witness Jere's ascent and has supplied us with some pictures from the day, including one of a portable temperature gauge displaying what a fantastic hot-weather escape this zone is.



Monday, 8 May 2023

Oliana — After the Fire


During the scorching hot summer of 2022, the countryside of western Catalunya became tinderbox dry. Wildfires were common and often extremely difficult to contain. One such, on June 19th, just west of the town of Oliana in Lleida province, roared up a heavily forested hillside and ravaged the world-famous sport-climbing sector, Contrafort de Rumbau. This crag, developed by such preeminent climbers as Chris Sharma and Dani Andrada, hosted multiple high 8th and 9th grade routes and climbers came from around the globe to pit themselves against the witheringly steep test-pieces.

Following the fire, initial inspection reports were depressing to read: virtually the whole of the left-hand side of the wall, home to most of the ‘easier’ routes, appeared to have suffered severe and permanent damage, the foot of the crag littered with fallen debris, while the major routes in the centre of the wall, although escaping the worst of the devastation, could never be climbed again without every hold and every bolt checked for safety.

And of course, the once beautiful wooded hillside below the crag now looked like a post-holocaust landscape.

But then, after the initial gloom, something amazing started to happen. Locally based climber, Svana Bjarnason, launched a crowd-funding page with the aim of raising funds to buy bolting gear to re-equip the crag. She also assembled a small team of volunteers (around a dozen at first, but later spreading to twice the number) to begin work on clearing off loose rock, refurbishing the approach path and checking every hold and every bolt.

Some routes required relatively little work, while others, especially those on the left-hand side of the crag, needed thouroughly ‘de-scaling’ and completely re-equipping. Incredibly, just a few months after the work started, the majority of routes are now climbable again, although exceptions remain and visiting climbers should be aware that work may still be in progress for the immediate future.

I asked Svana to give us a list of names of those individuals who have hand-on helped with the project, together with companies and organisations which have donated equipment:

Dan, Jorg, Chris, Nico, Will, Bobby, Lolo, Emile, Cesar, Martina, Nils, Arnau, Terri, Tom, Sofie, Vincent, Lulu, Pierre, Gaz, Patrick, Paco, Tonio, Toni, Albert, Caro, Marianne. 

Associations and brands that gave us gear:  Edelrid, Petzl, Lappas Climbing bolts, Greenspits, Fanatic Climbing, Kletterzentrum Innsbruck, Mountain Boot UK, Lhotse, RAB.

Lleida Climbs also donated some stainless steel maillons, belay units and cable ‘perma-draws'.

Brands that supplied gear at discount: Fixe, Mammut.

Climber and photographer Emil Pino, who himself helped with the restoration, was kind enough to send us some excellent images chronicling the progression of the work. 




Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Oliana — Fire Damage

News has reached us of some serious damage to the world-famous sector of Contrafort de Rumbau in Oliana. Apparently, the raging wildfires that have devastated parts of Catalunya recently, engulfed much of the cliff, rendering many routes unclimbable, either temporarily or permanently. 

In particular, the left-hand side of the wall (everything left of the route 'Mishi) is said to have been totally destroyed in terms of climbing, with rock falls occurring in the intense heat. Further to the right, the damage has been less severe, but all routes will need to be checked for dangerous holds and bolts before any climbing can begin again.

Signs at the base of the approach path have been erected to deter would-be visitors.

Fires have also raged across other parts of Lleida province, in particulare, close to the zones of La Pauta and Alòs de Balaguer. We will provide further updates as and when information becomes available.


Monday, 2 May 2022

Santa Linya - Cova Gran

Some news and updates, kindly sent to us by Pol Ortiz.

a) At the left-hand side of the cave, routes between Tio Calambres and Airline L1 are currently not possible to climb due to a fenced off structure protecting the archaeological dig. Although there is doorway access to the area, a signpost clearly states that climbing is not allowed. Local climbers are trying to make sure that no one abuses this arrangement, which would only lead to further prohibitions. Therefore DO NOT ENTER THE FENCED OFF AREA UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

b) A variation of the project Fin de La Tregua has been climbed. The original route went up and left to join Rollito Sharma, but the new, more logical line goes rightwards to join La Fabelita, finishing at the R2 belay of La Fabela. Done this way, the route is named Climbinpeace and is 8c+. The original Fin de La Tregua project still remains unclimbed.

c) The project Joedan has now been climbed at 9a.

d) Open your Mind L1 is now considered solid 8c+ rather than 8c/+.

e) El Koala L1 + L2 is now considered to be 8b/+ instead of 8b+.

f) La Mare del Tano is now considered to be 8b rather than 8a+.

Fígols a L'Ombra

The route Mascle Sensible (Page 408 in Lleida Climbs 3) is actually 8a+/b, rather than the 8b+/c grade in the guide. Thanks to Pol Ortiz for this information. 

La Panotxa updates and Can Palauet

La Panotxa: two routes which were listed as 'projects' in Lleida Climbs 3 have now been redpointed.

Isquèmia L1 + L2 = 8b+

Sang de Bou L1 + L2 = 8b+

Also, Paco Llons Elmeus L1 + L2 is now considered to be 8b/+ rather than 8b+.

Thanks to Pol Ortiz for the information.

Can Paluet: this sector has apparently been disequipped.

Monday, 10 January 2022

New Face Climbing Sectors in Montsec / Vilanova de Meià

Over the last few years, Lleida climber Albert Cortés, aided by his daughter, Laura, has developed two splendid new face-climbing sectors high in the Montsec hills near the zone of Vilanova de Meià.

The first sector — El Mirador del Montsec — actually comprises of three distinct sub-sectors situated on two different levels: the Lower Right, Lower Left (‘Area Privada’) and the Upper Crag (which can itself be split into ‘Left’ and ‘Right’). Collectively, they offer close to one hundred routes on generally excellent rock, ranging in difficulty from grade IV up to 8a, with some harder projects still to be redpointed. The walls range in angle from gentle slab to slightly overhanging and give highly technical face climbing on small holds and horizontal breaks. The situation and outlook are also absolutely stunning! The only negative factor (for some) might be the length of the approaches— 7km of off-road driving followed by between 25 and 35 minutes of uphill walking.

The second sector — Tossal de Les Torretes — lays approximately 3km to the west and is far more limited in scope, offering just 14 climbs ranging from 4c to 6a. However, the rock is immaculate and the situation truly superb, making this a must-visit sector for those operating in the lower grades.

Note: all routes were equipped by Albert Cortés, with some financial assistance from Lleida Climbs.

Orientation — Mirador del Montsec: predominantly south, meaning on cloudless days the crags are exposed to direct sunlight more or less throughout the day. In many nearby zones and sectors that orientation would limit climbing to just a few, short months a year (late autumn to early spring) but in El Mirador del Montsec, situated at altitudes in excess of 1500m, reasonable conditions can often be found anytime outside the very hottest months of mid-summer. It should go without saying that cloudy or windy days in the winter months are not the appropriate time to climb here, and even when the sun is out it’s always a good idea to pack a warm/windproof jacket for belaying.


Orientation — Tossal de Les Torretes: South-east. All the aforementioned comments regarding El Mirador del Montsec and weather conditions also apply here.


Approach — Mirador del Montsec: From the last few houses in the village of Vilanova de Meià (Lleida Climbs 3, pages 250-261) follow the L-913 up towards the main Vilanova sectors (Roca dels Arcs, etc.) but after 3km turn left onto an un-surfaced track, signposted ‘Ermita de Santa Maria de Meià’. Continue driving along the main track for 7km, ignoring a turn off to the right after 500m, signposted ‘Pas de Nerill’ and one to the left after 2km, signposted ‘Ermita de Santa Maria de Meià’, to reach a parking area (P5) on the right, just a few metres after a wooden signpost marking the start of the ‘Camí Ramader’ footpath.  Note: in dry conditions this track is perfectly drivable in a normal vehicle providing it has reasonable ground clearance, but should not be risked after heavy rains without 4x4 capability.

From the parking area the sectors are clearly visible on the skyline and look disconcertingly far away, but it’s not quite as bad as first appearances suggest. Follow the well-marked ‘Camí de Ramader’ path up the hillside­; the first 300m make for an unpleasant warm-up, being rather steep and relentless, but shortly after reaching the tree line the path begins to zigzag and things get progressively easier from thereon. After approximately 25 minutes of walking the lower right-hand sector is reached, via a short trail (cairn where this starts) branching right off the main path. Note: routes 65-80 are accessed by traversing rightwards from beneath the central part of the sector utilizing fixed ropes.

For the lower left-hand sector (‘Area Privada’): continue along the main ‘Camí de Ramader’ footpath for a further 150m to reach a second cairn, which marks the start of a short trail leading to the right-hand side of the sector (30 minutes from P5). Note: the left-hand side of this sector (routes 81-93) is situated at a higher level and is accessed using a short, vertical Via Ferrata.

For the upper sector, from the base of the lower right-hand sector, follow a trail directly uphill, leading to the base of the wall. Depending on which part of the cliff you intend to climb on, move either left or right from here (30-35 minutes from P5).

Approach — Tossal de Les Torretes: From the main parking areas in the zone of Vilanova de Meià, continue driving up the L-913 to the level area above the gorge. Approximately 300m after the Km 8 signpost there is an unsurfaced track branching off to the right, signposted ‘Toló’. Ignore this, instead continuing along the road for a further 1.7km to the Collada de l’Hostal Roig, where another unsurfaced track branches off to the left. Follow this — in reasonable weather conditions the track is drivable in a ‘normal’ (non 4x4) vehicle, providing it has decent ground clearance, but after heavy rain this may not be the case. Follow the main track, without deviation, for some 7.6km to where a smaller, rougher track branches off uphill to the left. Park 350m beyond this at a small clearing, being careful not to block other vehicles (P6). On foot, walk back to the start of the aforementioned sidetrack and follow this uphill for 750m to a flat, grassy area some 50m from the top of the cliffs. Walk directly to the cliff top then follow a narrow terrace down and left (facing out) to reach a short Via Ferrata leading down to the base of the sector (10 min. from P6). Note: those with ‘proper’ 4x4 vehicles may actually drive up the final track to the grassy area (P7) thus reducing the approach time to just a couple of minutes.

Water — Mirador del Montsec: There are no water sources at the sector itself, but one can fill up at Font del Manel, beside a circular artificial water reservoir 1 km before the parking area at the start of the ‘Camí Ramader’ footpath, or at Font de La Figuera, which is situated beside the main road L-913 road, approximately 650m beyond the turn-off onto the unsurfaced track that goes towards the sector (Km 3.8).

Water — Tossal de Les Torretes: There are no water sources at the sector itself. The closest spring is Font de La Figuera, which is situated beside the main L-913 road at Km 3.8.

Durant els últims anys, l’escalador Albert Cortés, ajudat per la seva filla Laura, ha equipat dos magnífics sectors sobre uns murs de plaques grises, gairebé al cim del Montsec, a prop de Vilanova de Meià. El primer sector – El Mirador del Montsec- compren 3 subsectors diferents situats en 2 nivells, el Baix Dreta, Baix Esquerra (“Area Privada”) i el de Dalt (que alhora podem dividir entre esquerra i dret). En total, hi ha gairebé 100 vies, en general sobre una roca sublim, i amb graus entre el 4c al 8a, amb alguns projectes encara pendents d’encadenar. Les parets van des de plaques inclinades fins a una mica o bastant desplomades i ofereixen una escalada tècnica sobre regletes o franges, encara que no sempre és així. La ubicació del lloc és absolutament espectacular. Però clar, tot te un preu, i és que l’aproximació és llarga, 7km. per una pista en bon estat i entre 25 i 35 minuts costa amunt. Nota: Totes les vies van ser equipades per Albert Cortés, gràcies a la donació de Lleida Climbs de part del material. 

El segon sector – Tossal de les Torretes – es situa aproximadament a 3km. a l’oest i és molt més petit, oferint només 14 vies d’entre 4c a 6a. No obstant, la roca és perfecta i la ubicació també, fent d’aquest sector una visita obligada pels que busquin graus baixos. 

Orientació — Mirador del Montsec: Majoritàriament orientat al Sud, i per tant, això vol dir que els dies assolellats, el sector està exposat al sol tot el dia. En altres sectors propers, aquest fet limitaria l’escalada als mesos més freds de l’any, però al Mirador del Montsec, situat a més de 1500 metres d’alçada, hi trobarem condicions raonables tot l’any si excloem els mesos més calorosos de l’estiu. Òbviament, durant els mesos d’hivern, si està ennuvolat o fa molt vent, no serà gens agradable escalar en aquest sector. Fins I tot, quan fa sol, no és mala idea de portar una jaqueta per assegurar. 

Orientació – Tossal de les Torretes: Sur Est. Tot el que s’esmenta sobre orientació i millor època per al sector El Mirador del Montsec aplica exactament aquí.  

Aproximació — Mirador del Montsec: Des de les últimes cases de Vilanova de Meià (Lleida Climbs 3, pàgines 250-261) seguiu la L-913 cap als principals sectors de Vilanova de Meià (Roca dels Arcs, etc.) situats al nord. Però als 3 km. desvieu-vos a l’esquerra per una pista sense asfaltar, senyalitzada “Ermita de Santa Maria de Meià”. Continueu per aquesta pista durant 7km (ignorant un desviament a la dreta després de 500 metres, senyalitzat com a Pas de Nerill, i un altre a l’esquerra després de 2 km. senyalitzat “Ermita de Meià”), fins arribar al parking (P5) just a la dreta després d’un senyal de fusta que indica l’inici del sender “Camí Ramader”. Nota: En condicions normals aquesta pista es accessible a tot tipus de vehicles, si no són massa baixos, però després que hagi plogut, millor accedir amb un 4x4. 

Des del parking, els sectors són clarament visibles a sobre nostre, i tot i que semblen molt allunyats, no n’hi ha per tant. Seguiu el corriol, ben marcat, “Camí Ramader” directament per la vessant de la muntanya. Els primers 300 metres són bastant pendents, però un cop arribeu als primers arbres, ja comença a pujar en ziga-zaga i la progressió es fa més agradable. Després d’uns 25 minuts, arribarem al sector de Baix Dret, per un corriol (fita gran) que marxa a la dreta del camí principal. Nota: Per les vies 65-80 cal travessar per un passamà des de la part central del sector.  

Pel sector Baix Esquerra (Area Privada): Continueu pel camí principal “Camí Ramader” durant uns 150 metres més, i allí trobareu un entrant que us deixa a la part dreta del sector (30 minuts des del Parking). Nota: per accedir a les vies de l’esquerra (vies 81-93) cal pujar per una curta i vertical ferrata. 

Per accedir al sector de Dalt: Des del sector Baix Dret, seguiu un corriol directament cap amunt, que porta a la base de la paret. Depenent de les vies que vulgueu escalar, un cop a la base de la paret, haureu d’anar a l’esquerra o a la dreta. 

Aproximació — Tossal de Les Torretes: Des del desviament entre la carretera de Vilanova de Meià i la pista de Rúbies (sector El Mirador del Montsec), continueu 5.5 km per la carretera principal fins al desviament cap a Toló. Continueu cap a l’esquerra per la carretera principal durant 1700 metres més i agafeu a l'esquerra la pista de la cara Nord del Montsec durant 7.6 km. Aquesta pista està en bon estat. Arribareu a un trencall, on surt cap a l'esquerra una pista estreta. Amb cotxe normal, podeu aparcar als vorals de la pista, sense bloquejar el pas de vehicles, o be seguir durant 350 metres més fins a un petit eixamplament (P6) amb capacitat per 3 o 4 vehicles. Seguir a peu aquesta pista estreta i que va planejant durant 750 metres. Si teniu 4x4 podeu pujar per la pista estreta fins al P7. Llavors gireu a l'esquerra direcció sud cap al cingle (evident, 50 metres) i localitzeu una rampa de roca que porta a una mini-ferrata i al peu de via (10 minuts des del P6 o 2 minuts des del P7.

Aigua — Mirador del Montsec: Al sector no hi ha cap font, pero podem agafar aigua a la Font del Manel, al costat d'una bassa d'aigua circular, 1 km. abans del parking a l'inici del "Camí Ramader" o a la Font de la Figuera, just al costat de la carretera L-913, uns 650 metres després del desviament cap a la pista de terra que porta al sector.

Aigua — Tossal de Les Torretes: Al sector no hi ha cap font. El més aprop es troba a la Font de la Figuera, just al costat de la carretera L-913 a Km 3.8.

Durante los últimos años, el escalador Albert Cortés, ayudado por su hija Laura, ha equipado dos magníficos sectores sobre unos muros de placas grises, casi en la cima del Montsec, cerca de Vilanova de Meià. El primer sector – El Mirador del Montsec – comprende 3 subsectores diferentes situados en 2 niveles, el Bajo Derecha, Bajo Izquierda (“Area Privada”) y el de Arriba (que a su vez se puede dividir entre izquierdo y derecho). En total, hay casi 100 vías, en general sobre una roca fantástica, y con grados entre el 4c y el 8a, con algunos proyectos todavía sin encadenar. Las paredes van desde placas inclinadas hasta muros verticales o ligeramente extraplomados y ofrecen una escalada técnica sobre regletas o franjas, aunqué no siempre es así. La ubicación del lugar es absolutamente espectacular. Pero claro, todo tiene un precio, y es que la aproximación es larga, 7km por una pista en buen estado y luego entre 25 y 35 minutos cuesta arriba andando. Nota: Todas las vías fueron equipadas por Albert Cortés gracias a la donación de parte del material por parte de Lleida Climbs. 

El segundo sector – Tossal de les Torretes – se situa aproximadamente a 3 km. al oeste y es mucho más pequeño, ofreciendo solamente 14 rutas de 4c a 6a. No obstante, la roca es absolutamente perfecta y la ubicación también, haciendo este sector de visita obligada para los que buscan grados bajos. 

Orientación — Mirador del Montsec: Mayoritariamente orientado al Sur, y por lo tanto, esto significa que los días soleados, el sector está expuesto al sol todo el día. En otros sectores cercanos, este hecho limitaría la escalada a los meses más frios del año, pero en el Mirador del Montsec esto no es así, ya que está situado a más de 1500 metros de altura y encontraremos condiciones razonables todo el año, exceptuando los meses más calurosos del verano. Óbviamente, durante los meses de invierno, si està nublado o ventoso, no será nada agradable escalar en este sector. E incluso, cuando luce el sol, no es mala idea llevar una chaqueta para asegurar. 

Orientación — Tossal de Les Torretes: Sur Est. Tot el que s’esmenta sobre orientació i millor època per al sector El Mirador del Montsec aplica exactament aquí. 

 Aproximación — Mirador del Montsec: Desde las últimas casas de Vilanova de Meià (Lleida Climbs 3, páginas 250-261) seguid la L-913 hacia los principales sectores de Vilanova de Meià (Roca dels Arcs, etc.) situados al norte. Pero a los 3 km. desviaros a la izquierda por una pista sin asfaltar, señalizada “Ermita de Santa Maria de Meià”. Continuad per esta pista durante 7km (ignorando un desvio a la derecha después de 500 metros, señalizado como Pas de Nerill, y otro a la izquierda después de 2 km. señalizado “Ermita de Meià”), hasta llegar al parking (P5) justo a la derecha después de un poste de madera que indica el inicio del sendero “Camí Ramader”. Nota: En condiciones normales esta pista es accesible a todo tipo de vehículos, si no son demasiado bajos, pero después de lluvias, mejor acceder con un 4x4. 

Desde el parking, los sectores son claramente visibles encima nuestro, y aunque parecen muy lejanos, no hay para tanto. Seguid el sendero, bien marcado, “Camí Ramader” directamente por la ladera de la montaña. Los primeros 300 metros son bastante empinados, pero una vez alcanzáis los primeros árboles, la pendiente se suaviza y asciende en zigzag, progresando de manera más agradable. Después de unos 25 minutos, llegaremos al sector de Bajo Derecha, por un sendero (hito grande) que sube hacia la derecha del camino principal. Nota: Para las vías 65-80 hay que usar un pasamanos desde la parte central del sector. 

Para el sector Bajo Izquierda (Area Privada): Continuad por el camino principal “Camí Ramader” durante unos 150 metros más, y allí veréis un entrante que os deja en la parte derecha del sector (30 minutos desde el Parking). Nota: para acceder a las vías de la izquierda (vías 81-93) hay que subir por una corta y vertical ferrata. 

Para acceder al sector de Arriba: Desde el sector Bajo Derecha, seguid un sendero directamente hacia arriba, que lleva a la base de la pared. Dependiendo de las vías que queráis escalar, una vez en la base de la pared, deberéis ir a la izquierda o a la derecha. 

Aproximación — Tossal de Les Torretes: Desde el desvio entre la carretera de Vilanova de Meià y la pista de Rúbies (sector El Mirador del Montsec), continuad 5.5 km. por la carretara principal hasta el desvío hacia Toló. Continuad por la izquierda por la carretera principal durante 1700 metros más y allí tomad a la izquierda la pista de la cara Norte del Montsec durante 7.6 km. Esta pista está en buen estado. Llegaréis a un ramal, donde sale una estrecha pista hacia la izquierda. Con un coche normal, aparcar a los lados de la pista sin bloquear el paso, o continuar 350 metros más hasta un pequeño ensanchamiento (P6) con capacidad para 3 o 4 vehículos. Seguir a pie esta estrecha pista que va llaneando, durante 750 metros. Si tenéis 4x4 podeis subir por la pista estrecha hasta el P7. Entonces girad hacia la izquierda, dirección Sur, hacia la cima de la pared (evidente, 50 metros) y localizad una rampa rocosa que lleva a una mini ferrata y al pie de vía (10 minutos desde el P6 o 2 minutos desde el P7.

Agua — Mirador del Montsec: En el sector no hay ninguna fuente, pero podemos tomar agua en la Font del Manel, al lado de una balsa de agua circular, 1 km. antes del parking al inicio del "Camí Ramader" o en la Font de la Figuera, justo al lado de la carretera L-913, unos 650 metros después del desvio hacia la pista de tierra que lleva al sector.

Agua — Tossal de Les Torretes: En el sector no hay ninguna fuente. El mas cerca esta en la Font de la Figuera, justo al lado de la carretera L-913 a Km 3.8.







Senyor Postu (5a) • Mirador del Montsec • Laura Cortés

Bufa i fer Ampolles (6b+) • Mirador del Montsec • Jere Erill  

Tope de Gama (7b/+) • Mirador del Montsec • Jere Erill

Tope de Gama (7b/+) • Mirador del Montsec • Jere Eril

Avi (5a) • Mirador del Montsec • Tracy White

Toti (6b+) • Mirador del Montsec • Laura Palau

Aromes del Montsec (7a) • Mirador del Montsec • Araceli Segarra

Rockbuster (7b) • Mirador del Montsec • Araceli Segarra

Pandemia (7a+) • Mirador del Montsec • Laura Palau

Mirador del Monsec - Upper / Superior

Pipistrello (5c) • Mirador del Montsec • Albert Cortés

Sauternes (6c) • Mirador del Montsec • Albert Cortés

Kokoro (8a) • Mirador del Montsec • Jere Erill

This Girl is on Pfizer (5c) • Tossal de Les Torretes • Laura Cortés

Ole Tu!!! (5b) • Tossal de Les Torretes • Jez Martin

Fot Lo Camp!!! (5b) • Tossal de Les Torretes • Laura Cortes