
Monday, 25 November 2013

Lleida Climbs 2nd Edition!

Stop press: we are pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Lleida Climbs!
The second edition features 424 pages — 88 more than the first book— and lists almost 50% more routes. Many of these are situated on newly developed sectors in zones such as Camarasa, Alòs de Balaguer and Abella de la Conca.
We would like to point out that proceeds from the first guidebook — both from advertising revenue and sales of the book itself — have played an important role in financing development of many of the new sectors, and would like to extend our sincere thanks to all our sponsors and customers.

Lleida Climbs, 2a. edició !!
Últimes notícies: tenim el plaer d'anunciar-vos que acaba de sortir a la venda la segona edició de la guia Lleida Climbs !
Aquesta segona edició, té 424 pàgines - 88 més que l'anterior - i inclou almenys un 50% més de vies. Moltes d'aquestes se situen en sectors totalment nous en zones com Camarasa, Alòs de Balaguer i Abella de la Conca.
Voldriem destacar que gràcies als guanys de la primera edició - ja sigui per la publicitat inserida o a les vendes de la guia - hem pogut finançar l'equipament de molts dels nous sectors que us oferim, i voldriem donar les gràcies i el més sincer agraïment als nostres sponsors i compradors de la nostra guia.
Lleida Climbs, 2a. edición !!
Últimas noticias: tenemos el placer de anunciaros que acaba de salir a la venta la segunda edición de la guía Lleida Climbs !
Esta segunda edición, tiene 424 páginas - 88 más que la anterior - e incluye al menos un 50% más de vías. Muchas de estas se sitúan en sectores totalmente nuevos en zonas como Camarasa, Alòs de Balaguer y Abella de la Conca.
Quisiéramos destacar que gracias a las ganancias de la primera edición - ya sea por la publicidad o por las ventas de la guía - hemos podido financiar el equipamiento de muchos de los nuevos sectores que os ofrecemos, y quisiéramos dar las gracias y nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a los spónsores y a los compradores de nuestra guía.


  1. Hi Seb,
    It depends where you are. We only received the guide from the printer this week so it will probably take a few days to work through to the outlets. Let me know where you are based and I'll tell you the easiest way to get hold of a copy.
    Of course, if you're in Spain you could always order online from — they should be able to start dispatching books by Monday.

  2. I found a supplier in the UK,, we don't visit lleida til Christmas so hopefully the book will arrive here in good time. Thanks, and can't wait to get out there.

  3. We will also have copies on sale in Abella de la Conca refugio from early December eventhough the refugio will only properly open in March 2014.

  4. Glad you got sorted Seb.
    Lleida is a superb climbing area — you'll have a blast.

  5. Cheers guys, I'm looking for somewhere very basic and cheap to stay around Tremp. I don't suppose you could recommend anywhere please? Hostel style dorms would be more than adequate. Thanks.

  6. I've just put some more links on the 'Accommodation' page of this blog.
    The choice and price depends mostly on how many people will be in your group. For four people or more, renting a rural house or cottage is probably the most cost efficient, whereas for climbers traveling alone, hotels, refugis, etc., will probably work out cheaper.

  7. If we mainly climb 5a-c and have a 3-5 days, I'm assuming that it'd probably be best to stick to a single area. Would you recommend getting the Lleida or Tarragona guide book?

    1. Yes, for that length of time you're probably better sticking to a small group of cliffs in just one of the areas. If this is a first trip I recommend basing yourselves somewhere near the zones of La Mussara, Mont-ral, La Riba and Arbolí in Tarragona province, where you'll find plenty in the grade-range you've specified.

  8. I'm travelling from Barcelona airport to El Cogul (tomorrow), where would be the best place to buy this book? Thanks.

    1. Hi Ross,

      If you're driving you'll most likely go through Lleida capital.

      If that's the case then call in at Decathlon, they should have the book.



  9. hi pete, i am in oliana right now. is there any shop around selling the book? have a nice time, stefan

  10. Hi Stefan,

    We left a few copies of the new edition in Camping Organyà, which is 15-20 minutes north of Oliana.

    Bakery 'Rosa Serra' in Artesa de Segre (fantastic sweet and savoury products!) also has the new guide.

    Enjoy your stay in Catalunya.



  11. PS. I forgot: also available in the bar 'El Portal' in Organyå — closer than the campsite.

  12. hello,
    I am from Louisiana, USA and and coming to climb in spain! Is there any way for me to get a guidebook shipped to Louisiana? I am trying to plan all of the specifics. thank you :)

  13. Hi There,

    Great to hear from you!

    I've just checked and the book is available from

    Hope you enjoy your visit!


  14. Hi, we have the 1st edition and we wonder if it's worthy to get the 2nd or to wait for the 3rd, is a 3rd edition coming and when?
    p.s. great job with the book and the routes!
    Gianluca & Maria

  15. Hi, Gianluca, Hi Maria,
    Many thanks for your positive comments about Lleida Climbs!
    Do you need the second edition? well, that depends on how much information you need...
    Lleida Climbs 2 has quite a lot of new sectors and routes, especially in Camarasa, Terradets and Coll de Nargó. It also includes the nice zone of Figols, which didn't appear in the first book.
    One thing's for sure — Lleida Climbs 3 won't be published for at least 2 or 3 years.

    1. Greetings,

      Is a 3rd edition coming out anytime soon? Planning a summer trip and trying to nail down our itinerary early.

      I have the chance to buy a 1st edition pretty cheap & easily... but would rather get the updated book. It seems getting the second edition is next to impossible without spending far too much.

      I did see that 2nd edition may be available June 1st at the following site, hoping this is not an error:

  16. Ola,

    I was on vacation at Coll de Nargo last week. With buddies, we climbed to the sector "Tranquil" (page 308 of the topo) Saturday, December 03.
    Buddies went in the "Sunset" route (7a +), which must be new because it is not in the topo.
    They told me there was a large, unstable block (big hold), which was about to fall. According to them, this represents a piece of about 100kg.
    I think you should purge that block, because it seems very dangerous.

    Thank you for taking this into account and a big thank you for the topo and all the work done, it is really top!


  17. Hi Vincent, Thanks for letting me know about this, but as I didn't clean or equip this route (I haven't heard of it before so, as you say, it's probably recent) it's not really my place to remove the block.

    I will contact one of the local equippers and tell him about the problem — hopefully he can get a message to the original ascentionists or maybe have a look at the block himself.

    Thanks again for letting me know.

    Glad you like the book and good climbing here in the future!

    Best Regards,

  18. You Pete,

    yesterday, we tried to do a multipitch in St. Llorenç de Montgai, in sector Paret de L'Os (second one from the right in the 2nd edition guidebook - 6b+/IV+/V/V/IV+/V+). The first two pitches were roughly right (though we combined them as de didn't find the anchor iki between). However from that point on, the route was completely off. Third pitch ("V") started with a sequence of really hard moves which de estimated 6c/7a'ish, followed by pleasant V/6a climbing. Third pitch was similar V/6a but the route finished with the fourth pitch, a short IV scramble to the top. We were lucky as de were sble to get past the difficult section (and as we had a 80m rope, we could also have easily rappelled down from first stand). Everyone might not be equally lucky, so it might be worthwhile to check the route and put you an erratum...

    Happy to provide you with further details (e.g. the real position of the stands), if needed!



    1. Hi Mari,
      Many thanks for getting in touch about this. I haven't done Eclipse — the original info came from a (usually) very accurate and knowledgeable local. However, after a few minutes searching on the web it seems that you're entirely correct — the line for the third pitch as marked in LC2 is actually a variant called 'Boira' and is, indeed 7a. The 'normal' route climbs easy corners to the right. I have to rush out now but will add something to the blog later, also mentioning that the first belay may be missing. Thanks again!

  19. ¡Hola! Tenemos alojamientos turísticos en Balaguer y Linyola en los que se alojan muy a menudo escaladores. Por este motivo nos encantaría saber si pueden añadirnos al apartado de alojamientos.
    Nuestra página es:
    y mi mail por si desean contactarme es
    Gracias de antemano,
    Teresa & Ronald

  20. Hola,
    Hem obert una casa de turisme rural a Toló, a prop de vilanova de meia, en la qual oferim habitacions dobles o triples i tambe esmorçars i sopars.
    Si es del vostre interes de incorporar ho al vostre bloc estarem encantats.
    el nostre web amb preus i informació es
    Disponible en Angles, frances, catala i castella.

  21. Buenas, soy Jordi!
    Querría saber si hay fecha para la nueva (3a?) edición de la Lleida climbs.
    Muchas gracias

  22. Hi Pete,

    Trying to get a hold of the second edition in the UK but no joy. Any suggestions...? Thanks :)


  23. Hi Pete,

    Trying to find the new 2nd edition in the UK but no joy as yet. Any suggestions?



  24. Hi Neil,
    Sorry, I've only just seen this. Lleida Climbs 2 is completely sold out but Lleida Climbs 3 is currently at the printers and should be available mid-late-October.

    1. That's great thanks Pete. Planning to be out there most of Oct and Nov :) 👍

  25. Hola buenas estamos en camarasa y tenemos la 2ed. Querríamos comprar la 3 Ed. Hay alguna tienda física donde podamos comprarla por la zona?

  26. Holla
    Est il possible de trouver le topo sur Tremp ?
