
Monday, 3 March 2014

Camarasa — new sector

A new sector has just been developed in Camarasa: Sector Dexter.
The sector is located between Capricho del Vicho (Lleida Climbs 2 pages 48-49) and Fashion (Lleida Climbs 2 pages 60-61) on the higher level cliffs.

This is not a big sector (15 routes/maximum 22m) but the rock is excellent and the climbing superb.

All routes equipped by Albert Cortés and Pete O'Donovan during January/February 2014. Material donated by Lleida Climbs.


  1. Have sent The Skinner today, 11.4.2014. 7th try. Confirm grade 7c (Easier than Set d (7c+) of Margalef which I did last october). Double draws on 3rd bolt, clipping from downstairs. Route goes slightly left. NO chicken-out to the left on 3rd and 4th bolt! Stay in Grey Zone. Nice route :-) Cheers Paul Langenkamp

  2. Set De is in San Lorenc de Montgay not in Margalef, sorry folks

  3. Hi Paul,

    Congratulations and thanks for the update!

