
Monday, 28 October 2019

Abella de La Conca — Error

Our Eagle-eyed correspondent, Albert Cortés, has spotted an error in the topo for the right-hand side of Sector Església (page 280 in Lleida Climbs 3rd edition). Route number 41 is, in fact, 'Entrepans' (3) and number 42 is 'El 6c más duro del Mundo' (7b), not the other way around as we show it in the guide. Thanks Albert!

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Castellassos (Coll de Nargó) — update

A new climb has been equipped on the right-hand side of sector Castellassos in Coll de Nargó (pages 360-361 in Lleida Climbs 3rd. edition).
The route starts as for 'Nemon' then goes right after a few metres. No name is available yet but a provisional grade of 7b+ has been suggested.

Thanks to Joan Bigarret 'Biga' for this information.

Fígols a L'Ombra — Update

Two new climbs have been added to the far right-hand side of sector 'Fígols a L'Ombra' in Fígols (pages 408-409 in Lleida Climbs 3rd edition).
No names are available for these climbs at the moment but both are graded 6b+.
Thanks to Joan Bigarret 'Biga' for this information.

Contrafort de Rumbau — Update

Here is an updated topo for the 'Pitos' area of Contrafort de Rumbau in Oliana (Page 338 in Lleida Climbs 3rd edition).

Thanks to Joan Bigarret 'Biga' for the information.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Lleida Climbs 3 now available!!!

The third edition of our Lleida Climbs guidebook is now available to for purchase both in Spain and the UK. The new guide is not just a minor update, it is packed full of new sectors and new routes!