Edu Vendrell has sent us information about a major new sector in Terradets — ‘Valldària’. The first routes here were originally equipped in the early 2000’s, but it somehow lapsed into obscurity. More recently, a group of dedicated local climbers have established dozens of new routes, with the total now standing at over 80. Orientation: southeast.
Note: for further information contact @edu_vendrell on Instagram
Approach: Park in the main ‘Font de Les Bagasses’ parking area ( If coming from the direction of Tremp there is also limited parking next to the ‘Pont de Pedra’ bridge (it’s too dangerous to turn into this when approaching from the south) which will save a few minutes walking. Cross the Pont de Pedra bridge to gain the start of a trail leading leftwards towards the ‘Torre de La Guaita I Ermita de Sant Miquel’. Follow this path without deviation for approximately 1.5km to a signpost indicating ‘Ermita 5 minutes’ then turn right onto a vague trail (coordinates 42,028738, 0,880532) marked by cairns, which leads up to the right-hand side of the crag. 20-25 minutes from the Pont de Pedra. There is a map on Wikiloc showing the approach:
Aproximació: Aparcarem a la Font de les Bagasses. Si baixem de Tremp es pot aparcar just al costat del pont de pedra de Terradets ( . Des d’aquest punt, creuem el pont i agafem el corriol que es dirigeix cap a l’ermita/torre de guaita de Sant Miquel. Després de passar el cartell indicador que assenyala l’ermita a 5’, al km 1,53 després d’haver començat a caminar, ens desviem a la dreta (coordenades 42,028738, 0,880532) i seguim les fites que ens porten a la part dreta del sector Agulles Dreta. Des d’aquí seguirem el camí i les fites que tendeixen a seguir el peu de paret al llarg de tot el mur. 20-25 minuts del Pont de Pedra.